Work in Progress
Showing pages that match the terms equipment_weapon_1h_sword_331[Erudito], Work in Progress.
Continuing our release of secret projects from the modding team capturing data from the game we are pleased to introduce an introductory version of the in-game market data. This data is captured once every hour, and we have almost a month of history. Yo...
August 19, 2024 Site
We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch to all of our players, introducing a new class (Solarion), a new biome (Sundered Uplands), a new difficulty rank (Uber-11) to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems. &...
Another month has come around, here is a summary of things we have changed on the Trovesaurus site this month. A big thanks to [tfmhisztike] who has been providing a lot of personal support and also to [ylva] who added all the data for the Into the Deep S...
December 2, 2019 Site
Everything you have to know about Experience is in this guide....
September 2, 2018 Experience XP Ultimative
Creating dungeons and lairs is one of the most interesting parts of Trove. This guide will give you a basic understanding of things to keep in mind. Qubicle is used as the voxel editor for this guide, all supplied templates are also for Qubicle. Dungeon c...
Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?115773-Trove-Livestream-Notes-13-01-2017...
January 13, 2017 Livestream
In this guide, we'll be covering on how to equip allies and the very basic of they're purposes aswell as they're bonuses. For a full guide, click on the links provided in this guide...
July 11, 2016 Allies
Welcome to the eleventh issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations. In this issue: Assorted News Twitch.tv stream recap Top player made creations from 5/3-5/9 wit...
May 11, 2015 Trove Creations Digest
Due to having Friday off, the dev team snuck in a Thursday livestream. Featuring a dog in a pirate hat, mention of an achievement system, and talk of the next big update! Source: http://www.twitch.tv/trionworlds/b/644916769...
April 3, 2015 Livestream
Below are the changes we have detected in the Cookiephant Edition patch....
March 18, 2015 Database Update